Guest Play - Fall 2022

Join us and make your voice heard!

  • SaraBeth

    11/12/22 - Guest Player (or 2) Request!


    4th Grade Boys

    Kimbell Pitch 1C/D @ 9:15AM PST


    Contact: SaraBeth -

  • LeeDunne

    10-15 Guest Player Request:


     Our one and only goalie cannot make it to our game this weekend.

     4th Grade Boys

     Garfield @ 11.15am

     Contact Jill -


     Thank you! 

  • Derrick

    Couple questions about guest players:

    1) To confirm, within a birth year/grade, guest players may only "play up" (eg rec to upper house), but NOT "play down" (eg upper house to rec)?

    2) If a player is currently playing up a year, can they guest "play down" within their grade/birth year? eg a player (grade 3), registers with a grade 4 UH team--could they guest play with a grade 3 rec team?

    3) Can a player on a NorCal travel league team guest play for a SFYS rec or UH team?

  • Neelum

    How do you add a guest player? Can you add a guest player anytime during the season?

  • Vicky

    We need a 6th grade girl to guest play on our team on Saturday 9/17/22 at 3:35 at Beach Chalet fields or we will play with 1 player down. We definitely need 1 player but also welcome 2. Thank you.