Sideline Sportsmanship

Spectator Behavior Matters

  • Sonny

    Is it possible for coaches to get an aggregate report about how the games were rated by the referees?

  • Hazen_SFYSBoardMbr_Coach


    Every youth soccer coach, parent and spectator should watch this video and take the pledge to help our youth soccer community.  Is your sideline behavior supportive, disruptive or hostile?  Even when you think it might be supportive, much of what I hear at my games is actually (unintentionally) disruptive!  Does your player even hear you while they're playing, or do they drown you out?  Ask them.

    Can we let our players take ownership of their game, can we encourage them to understand the game, rather than just understanding how to follow directions?  Would you show up to your player's math test and tell them how to do it?

    Support your player, their coach, and the game of youth soccer by watching this short video today!