| 12.6.24

25 Years in Service to SF Soccer Community
Help keep soccer LOCAL, FUN and AFFORDABLE!
2024 marks 25 years of service for San Francisco soccer youth.
In our 25th year, we celebrate SFYS’s 2024 accomplishments! Just this year alone:
- 6600 players
- 9200 registrations for Spring and Fall
- 3000 games played
- 15,000 goals scored
- Countless memories
- National recognition by the Aspen Institute as a 2024 Project Play Champion
We are excited to share that a generous donor has provided a $5,000 match for our 25th Year Campaign during the months of November and December. Please consider making a donation today and double your impact!
In conjunction with community partners and local businesses, we're pleased to bring back - just in time for the holidays! - our online Silent Auction. Bid now for great deals on summer camps, private trainings, gear, coffee and more!
Win, Win, Win! SFYS 25th Anniversary AuctionIn conjunction with community partners and local businesses, we're pleased to bring back - just in time for the holidays! - our read more... PLAYSFYS
How SFYS Inspires Your CommunitySan Francisco Youth Soccer has spearheaded transformative programs that have not only revolutionized the local soccer scene but read more... PLAYSFYS
Giving Back With SFYSSan Francisco Youth Soccer is a non-profit organization committed to giving back to our players, teams, and families. Your read more...
Giving Tuesday Highlight: SFYS @ SchoolOn this Giving Tusday 2022, we highlight the SFYS @ School Program: All kids deserve the ability to play soccer. The mission of read more... PLAYSFYS
Why You Should Donate to SF Youth SoccerSan Francisco Youth Soccer is a comprehensive community soccer organization, benefiting San Francisco youth. Our mission is to read more... PLAYSFYS